Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Before and After


  1. Replies
    1. You look absolutely stunning! Self love, self care and self respect are absolute priority. Really happy for you :) People say mean things when they are jealous and that's because deep down inside, they are unhappy with themselves and secretly probably wish they could have the same thing done. I noticed your photo and am considering jaw surgery due to chronic tmj since my teens along with a bit of a longer face and receding jawline which forced me to get a chin implant which is acting like a barbel in my jaw, disaster. I tried everything but the pain is too much to bare anymore. I have suffered a lot through the years, not just from terrible jaw and cranial pain that's had me in and out of the hospital, tons of bills and not being covered by insurance and on many medications and steroids for years... but for something that has had deep emotional scars from bullying in my teens as well. I say we need to talk about this more in society! Why suffer physically for something that is emotionally making one suffer just as much? So we will look the same way to appease everyone around us or so we improve our bite and also have a better esthetic? If it improves the bite and the pain subsides + ones facial asthetic really improves, it's a win win! Why should somone have to live in more than just physical pain just so they look like they always have? To appease others fragile egos? I say if people don't understand it, it makes them mentally and emotionally abusive. My family didn't want me to have this done although my orthodontist told them when I was 14 that it would become a crisis for me later on... which is where I am now. My friend had the same surgery around that time and her life completely changed! My sister saw she also looked so much better and threw a fit which influenced my parents decision. My husband likes the way I look but also sees me throwing up from chronic pain and destroying my stomach from so much medication and my specialist just told me the mri revealed complete jaw erosion, so I have to get it done. I've tried everything! Anyway, I think we need to talk about this subject more in society. People are very quick to judge when they see a before and after photo, but have absolutely no clue what people might be facing on many levels.

  2. I think you looked prettier before the surgery....You had a sweet looking face...post operation, you lost that sweetness...

    1. Luckily, an anonymous comment on the internet doesn't determine my beauty. I'm healthy, I'm comfortable in my skin, and my husband and my family love me regardless. That's what matters. Keep your negativity to yourself, please.

    2. Im getting ready to undergo double jaw surgery next week and found your blog to be very helpful! You look incredible!

    3. Thank you so much! I'm glad my blog is reaching people who were in the same situation I was in. Best of luck to you!

    4. What a thing to say.

  3. You look wonderful! You didn't lose your "sweet looking face" that moron above is ignorant. Congratulations on a successful surgery!

    1. Thank you Charlie Rose! Whoever posted that comment clearly never watched Bambi... "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all!" Lol. :)

    2. I am due to have the same surgery for my gummy smile in 4 weeks, your blog has been so helpful, informative and calming. Although I am terrified, your experiences have given me such a great insight on what to expect and how to prepare, now I feel more confident that I can do it. Thank you :)

  4. Hi! I'm not sure if you get notifications from this blog anymore. But I have a similar jaw to you and this blog has helped me so much! I had a harder time finding a jaw surgery blog that was for a recessed chin. You look amazing, hope all is well :)

  5. You look gorgeous!!! Congrats!!!
